Thursday, May 27, 2010

Priorities...a follow up

So my last blog was titled a "Prelude to Priorities" because I knew I was going to approach this subject. Recently, I said that we should always treat our girlfriends, wives, significant others, etc. like the amazing, powerful people they are. While I still agree with that, I think it should be noted that we should treat people and expect to be treated as priorities. Part of the world's problems are that we are always making others our options. If we spent more time making the people in our lives, whether it is your friend, girlfriend, boyfriend, whatever, a priority, then people will start appreciating your friendship more. I, myself, need to do better at this.

Moving on, I wanted to share a song with you that has struck me very close. About this time last year, my dad was well into his chemotherapy treatments and was not being cared for the way a cancer patient should have been. I was seeing a friend play at 3rd & Lindsley and was introduced to a song that just about had me break down in tears. The song is called "You Got My Attention" by Dan Adams. He wrote it after his dad had been in a car wreck and was in the hospital.

Starting at about :53 in, these words in particular stood out:
I’m standing in this hospital room
I cant bare to think of what he’s going through
He’s always been superman.
Now I'm trying to be the strong one and holding daddy’s hand

Lord if you were wondering when I’d listening,
Well you got my attention

After all I’d done wrong
My selfish ways and too close to calls
I haven’t been the man I oughta be
After all of my mistakes
The times that I fell short of grace
You and I both know it should be me

So Lord if you were wondering when I’d listen
You got my attention

I really hope you guys get a chance to hear this song live.

What else to talk about? It has been a trying week. The internship I interviewed for last week went to someone else. They said that I didn't seem sure of myself and my abilities. That really bothers me because I feel as if it is just the opposite. Sometimes I feel like I am over-confident. My thinking is that I know I can be successful. I know it deep down in my heart. All I need is an opportunity to do that. I need someone to give me a chance. My goal is to be on the Billboard "30 Under 30" list and I know I can get there. But I need the opportunity first and my clock is ticking. I am scared to death because I love it here so much! I don't want to leave. I love my family and I love being around them but Nashville is where I am happiest. Since the time I was 16, I have wanted to do this. I can't get too mad about the internship because if it was meant to be, it was going to happen.

That whole fate/destiny thing has been my philosophy all week. There was a girl that I have had my eyes on for a while. However, have you ever met someone that was so amazing and beautiful that she was as close to an angel as you have come across but you are intimidated by her? That's what I was feeling the last few weeks. I saw her as this perfect angel but felt that I never had a chance because of who I am, what I say, and what I've done. I could never get a read on her either. While looking for quotes for my friend that was dealing with breakup, I stumbled upon this one:
I get the best feeling in the world when you say hi to me, or even smile, because I know even if just for a second, I crossed your mind.

I know it is girly and cheesy but it is how I felt. Unfortunately for me, it didn't end up happening. When stuff like this happens, I have to remind myself that I didn't move to Nashville to meet a girl. I moved here to pursue my dreams and be successful. As much as I hated it not working out, I am grateful for her friendship and for the reminder as to why I moved to Nashville. Lady, best of luck on what you are pursuing! ;)

Anyway, lately I have been playing a lot of golf. Well more like pretending to play. I love it but I am horrible. I played 9 holes yesterday and lost 7 balls. That is bad. But I guess I have found someone who is worse than I. And surprisingly, it is Chris McDonald aka Shooter McGavin from Happy Gilmore. My uncle has played with him at two tournaments and played with him again earlier this week. Legend has it that he showed up to the first tournament wearing jeans and tennis shoes. I got to meet him in 2006 at a tournament and I have to say, he is genuinely one of THE nicest guys I have ever met! Here is a picture from then:

My uncle and I had a conversation about Shooter this week. It went like this:
Me: How was Shooter? Did you play with him today?
My uncle: Crazy as a fucking loon
Me: Did he have shoes and golf pants this time? Or did he show up in jeans and tennis shoes?
My uncle: He lost 30 balls before you could blink
Me: Sounds like me
My uncle: You could beat him hands down and that's dangerous

I am going to wrap things up now but I wanted to take a few minutes and say congratulations to my best friend Ryan Milstein and his wife Shauna. They celebrated their first wedding anniversary on Sunday! And to embarrass them a little, I wanted to share with everyone just how cute and lovie-dovey they are:

Yes. That's really them! They are regionally famous. At least in the DFW area! Anyway, congratulations guys!

My song/video for this blog will be Ryan and Shauna's wedding song, "Beautiful" written by Jim Brickman and sung by Wayne Brady (yes, THAT Wayne Brady!)

Till next time!

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